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V4DIS--Visegrad Group for Developing Information Society V4DIS--Visegrad Group for Developing Information Society
April 5--7, 2009, Prague & Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic
Conferences ISSS/LORIS/V4DIS

V4DIS 2009 V4DIS 2009 V4DIS 2009 V4DIS 2009

Visegrad Four Conference on Informatization of Society

04/09/2009, Èesky Èesky, Magyar Magyar, Polski Polski

Simultaneously with the conference Internet in State Administration and Self-government in the days 6--7 April 2009 in the Aldis Congress Centre there met already for the sixth time representatives of the public administration of Visegrad Four countries within the event V4DIS (Visegrad Four for Developing Information Society) to discuss development of eGovernment and other topics within broader central-european context. V4DIS conference was supported by International Visegrad Fund and traditionally it was held under the personal auspices of the President of Senate of the Parliament of CR Pøemysl Sobotka. (more)

V4DIS 2009 part of the ISSS conference once again

01/23/2009, Èesky Èesky, Magyar Magyar, Polski Polski, Slovensky Slovensky

At the beginning of April (6–7 April, 2009) there will be within the twelfth year of the ISSS conference, which is one of the most significant meetings of the representatives of public administration with experts on informatization of society and suppliers of modern technologies and services in Europe, held already for the sixth time also Visegrad conference V4DIS (Visegrad Four for Developing Information Society). (more)

The auspices of the V4DIS conference


Premysl Sobotka, President of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic Facsimile of Letter from Premysl Sobotka (JPG, 28 KB)

The auspices of the V4DIS conference have been assumed by Premysl Sobotka, President of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic.

Main topics of the V4DIS 2009 conference


  • Development of information society in V4 countries at the municipal and regional levels
  • Cooperation among towns and regions of all V4 countries
  • Partnerships with Ukrainian municipalities and regions in the area of ICT
  • Financing of ICT projects from Structural funds and Community sources
  • eGovernment developement of V4 countries
  • eTourism
  • Exchange of the best practices

The V4DIS 2009 Conference for the sixth time in April 2009


The V4DIS 2009 conference--continuation of V4DIS project running from the 2004 and aimed at use of ICT in public administration and services, the V4DIS project main objective is to act as a platform for presentation of new and interesting projects as well as exchange of knowledge and experience in the field of e-government, e-tourism and other related areas. Introduction of Visegrad and Community possibilities of the financing of ICT projects is also integral part of each annual conference. (more)

V4DIS 2008