V4DIS--Visegrad Group for Developing Information Society V4DIS--Visegrad Group for Developing Information Society
V4DIS--Visegrad Group for Developing Information Society V4DIS--Visegrad Group for Developing Information Society April 7—9, 2013, Prague & Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic

ITAPA/OPIS 2013: e-government not only in Slovakia

6/4/2013, Česky Česky

At the spring conference ITAPA/OPIS focused on informatization of the Slovak Republic as well as other countries (30 May in Bratislava) there met a number of personalities who participate in development of e-government, electronic services for citizens, broadband access etc. The meeting were participated for example by the Digital Champion of SR Peter Pellegrini, general director of informatization of society at the Ministry of Finance SR Pavel Bojňanský, director of the conference ITAPA Michal Ivantyšyn, general director of NASES Ivan Ištvánffy or Gediminas Šečkus from Lithuania.

The main leaders of the informatization named 7 main obstacles of successful finishing of main informatization projects in SR that include similarly as anywhere else problems with public procurement, constant changes in project teams or insufficient legislative.

One of the important issues was also a new nationwide concept of digitalization of education, there was discussed also harnessing financial sources from EU funds, newly approved act on e-government or preparation of the project Central Portal of Public Administration of SR. Of course there were not omitted either discussions about expanding internet infrastructure or providing broadband access for all citizens.